Monday, June 27, 2011

Tips clinical year.

Assalamualaikum. :)

Hari ni da 28 june.Lagi 13 hari saya akn enter clinical tear.walaweeehh.cuak2..cmne dengan preparation?uwaaaa!dah lupa dah apa yg belajr theory dulu.ingat penyakit2 yang common je.macam diabetes,hypertension.apekah prepration before enter clinical year?i got this from my friends. :)

Got this tips from Dr. Norizal.heeeee

Baca buku pasal examination technique, history taking coz masa clinical ni takde lecture utk benda2 tu. Buku mcm talley o connor, McLeod etc kena baca especially thephysical examination.jgn risau pasal diseases pasal semua dah diajar masa patho, make sure benda common tau in depth. Bila dah masuk 3rd year, tlg jgn suka duduk hotel/ bilik/ library but spend most of your time in ward. Ikut semua ward round, houseman bat ke, m.o buat ke, specialist ke, or even lecturer kita sendiri ( make sure kenal diorang semua). Dah habis round, make sure clerks semua case, siap dengan full examination, follow up patient tu sampai dia keluar wad. Mana saja patient pegi, ikut, especially klau pegi ultrasound etc. Mana2 prosedure, mintak nak tengok semua, jgn tunggu org pelawa. Buku log make sure fill in,be honest, jgn meniru,sma la dgn case write up, seminars etc. Clinical years is the real deal coz this is the realpractice beforeu are called as a dotorin 3 years time. What ever it is, be deligeny, be honest and youll become a great doctor insyallah!

dapat dari senior2 kitaorng..tq senior.! :)

1. Jangan MALU! Ini senior kata antara masalah yang ada. Especially untuk girls. Sbb kalau korg malu mmg susa la nk blaja sbb pasni kte akan blaja by patients. Kalau malu mcm mane nk blaja kan? Then jgn malu dgn HO, MO or Specialist yang ada dkat wad. Pegi je perkenalkan diri sbb kebanyakan procedure mmg akan blaja ngan diorg jugk.

2. Pastikan korg rajen duduk dkat wad. Ini kata mereka mmg mcm ngarut je bunyi kan? Tapi mmg betol. Sbb diorg kata at least kalau malu nk tegur HO,MO,specialist or staff nurse yang kat situ. Diorg akan slalu nmpak muka korg kat situ. So nnt diorg MAYBE la akan ajak jugk korg buat procedure. So you gain sumthing jugk kan?

3. Untuk Physical Exams. Kalau bole diorg kata do by groups. Tp paling ramai pon 3org la. Means sorg buat PE. Then the other 2 person tgk n comments. Kalau ade membe yg comment gila PEDAS pon xpe. Sbb it make you learn. So xde la mcm kte assume yg cara kte buat PE tu dah perfect kan?

4. Untuk clerk patients pulak. Nnt each of us akan di assign untuk 1bed. so kalau 1posting tu kte di assign untuk bed num5. Smpai abes posting tu la kte kne clerk patient yang akan duduk dkat bed tu. Untuk lg bagus la kan, diorg gtau untuk kongsi ngan kwn katil sblah korg. Means mcm mle2 kte clerk pts kte. Then kawan katil sblah tu pon clerk la pts tu. Buat segala PE ape sume. Then go to sumwhere else, present that pts kat kawan tu mcm kte present untuk ward round. So kte akan train to mcm mane present mcm ward round la. It's good is it?

5. Jangan kerek or melawan kata HO,MO,specialist or staff nurse. Diorg gtau yang korg kne bersedia untuk jadi otak kering. Means mcm xkesa kne mara. Pekakkn je telinga. Sbb mmg kte xbole lari dari kne mara ngan superior kte kat wad. So ble kne mara, trime je la seadanya. Sbb kte student kan? Still learning. So nk refer anything to books while tgh clerk pts pon xpe. But kalau bole train to have all in your mind la kan?

6. Then kata kan lah our friends yg katil sblah got really interesting pts. Means mcm dz yang pelik pelik ke. Go and share with the others la. So others pon bole blaja about that kan? But then if kte tau ade pts yang mcm tu. Jangan la pulak ttbe trus nk amek pts dia. Go and ask permission. Mesti kte xnk kalau org lain buat mcm tu kat kte jugk kan? n don't forget to ask permission on whatever kte kne buat dkat pts. Sbb kte xde permission untuk suka suka hati buat anything dkat pts tu. So kne mntak even kte just nk clerk. Nak clerk ni pon kne gtau at least dkat staff nurse yang ade dkat nurse lounge tu tau. Kne gtau sape2 la yg ade dkat situ. So that they know that we are there with the pts. Sbb mane tau kot pts tu baru pas surgery ke. Or pts xstabil ke. So maybe MO there xnk kte kacau pts tu. So kne gtau diorg.

7. Then for buku log. Each of us akan dpt buku log. Buku log ni mmg kte kne bawak ke mana sahaja kte pegi sbb anything yg ade dlm jadual such as CSL session, blaja procedure ke, ape ape lah. clinic session ke. mmg kne amek sign dari lecturer or DR yang ade dkat situ untuk confirmkan yang kte attend that thing. Then buku log tu kne anta dkat office by the end of each posting. Dalam buku log tu ade nama the whole posting. then group. jadual. then ak xigt dah. nnt kte tgk k.

8. Case presentation and Case write up. It is actually the same thing. Cuma apa yang beza is one is report and 1 lg is the presentation. Nnt rasanya senior akan bg kot kat kte untuk format case write up ni. Case write up pulak rasenye la kte perlu buat once per posting. Pilih mana mana pts yang kte dah clerk with all the information then buat la report itu. Termasuk jugk all the investigation result and all that. The problems is kte mmg xkn tau ape investigation. Ape tah lg result result kan? So kata mereka. kte bole dpt these info by access the hospital computer. Tp org org hospital xbg kte access. How can we overcome this thing is. Korg kne naik Wad Paeds, then get it from computer there. Sbb staffs and nurse kat situ sume sempoi. diorg akan bg. so kalau korg nk the info. bole g situ la. dont worry. all pts yang masuk hospital sg buloh sume ada. so kalau korg bukan posting paeds pon bole g amek la.Rasenye itu je la kot. Ini yang dari ak tanya tanya dari senior senior yang rapat n xrapat ngan ak la. So saje nk share. Sharing is caring kan? Hehehe. Kalau ada yang silap n bole perbaiki. gtau la kat comment. so kte bole make it better k. Thats all. Thanks :)

P/s:ni dah kena start bace buku macleod,hutchisons dah ni.pastu nak practice buat kat adik2 tersayangla.hahaha.

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