Alhamdulillah, dah lepas end of posting exam for Surgery Posting. the frighten exam that i faced.siyes memag scary sebb long case is the exam that you are given one patient that you,yourself must find out what disease that the patient had within one hour.
kali ni we the 3rd rotation for surgery posting kena exam dekat Hospital Selayang.The first time ever.senior2 kitaorng pown x exam kt selayang sebelum ni.pagi2 dalm pkul 6.50am dah bertolak dr Sg Buloh.bukan apa.takut jalan jem.pkul 7.30 dah kena kumpul kt bilik seminar ward 4A.
i was the first group to start the exam which is 8.00am.fisrt time ni merasa orang first exam.cuak,cuak.dapt ward 7c.Urology ward.aiyak!kt sg buloh very rare nak dpt case URO.memang sangat2 jarang.for the 2 month that i at surgery Ward Hospital Sg. Buloh just found one case's URO.berdebar2 nak pegi ward 7c.
i was the first group to start the exam which is 8.00am.fisrt time ni merasa orang first exam.cuak,cuak.dapt ward 7c.Urology ward.aiyak!kt sg buloh very rare nak dpt case URO.memang sangat2 jarang.for the 2 month that i at surgery Ward Hospital Sg. Buloh just found one case's URO.berdebar2 nak pegi ward 7c.
abdul rahim 58 years old had came to hospital with complained of blood in his urine.
The problem started since 5 month ago and getting worsen since 3 month ago. there is no aggravating and relieving factor but associated with polyuria,poor urine stream,urgency,hesitancy,post micturition drippling and had dysuria.
he also had LOA (loss of appetite) and LOW (loss of weight).he loss 12 kg within one month.
he was a chronic smoker which is 38-pack/year since his age 20 years old.
he was a retired supervisor at one company at Kepong since 2 years ago.
he doesn't have fever,any suprapubic or flank pain.there is no discharge coming out from the genitalia.
abdul rahim 59 years old indian muslim had come to hospital with complainced of hematuria associated with polyuria,poor urine stream,urgency,hesitancy,post micturition drippling and had dysuria with background as chronic smoker and also had LOW and LOA.
provisional diagnosis: Bladder Cancer
-Routine assesment: FBC,LFT,RP,Coagulation profile
-urinalysis,urine C&S
-check for the Prostate specific antigen(PSA)
Imaging: ultrasound to look any abnormality of the kidney,urinanry bladder.
: KUB X-ray to look for any stone in the urinary tract
:cystoscopy to look the urinary bladder
ni la ringkasan pasl patient tu.time present dekat DR Shah and Dr Ramzi xdela present macm ni.must follow the scheme.hehehe
hari Jumaat ade exam OSCE plak.ade 5 station.4 station passive 1 station active.yg active tu soalan dy PR examination (per rectal).soalan yg writing tu not bad la.xdela sesusah soalan OSCE untuk PAED dulu.hee
*harapan kali ini,harap2 result posting surgery ok.pass pown kira alhamdulillah.Syukur sangat2.posting surgery ni banyak ajar sy cara nak diagnose patient.Tq Dr andrean sebb banyak push kitaorng walaupun kadang2 kitaong terasa punyela seksa nak covered 6 bed everyday.seorang student kena covered bed everyday.YaAllah.memang terasa seksa bnyak benefit dy.TQ DR!we Love you.hehehe
notakaki:lepas ni nak ajak fifi amek gambar kt wad surgery la.sebagai kenangan.we had done 3 posting!how the time flies without we realise.. :)
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